Wednesday 5 March 2014

The dislocation between the Visuals and Audio.

Just recently a thought came to mind when thinking about poems that explored the same theme and tone as the visuals I had in mind. For example an isolated beach with a piece of a persons clothing with the words about drowning being read simultaneously to the image being filmed. The idea occurred to me about dislocating the visual and audio, for example having sad, lonely, isolated images mixed with song lyrics or poems that we associate with happiness. I feel that this would give a whole different sense to the theme of dislocation. I watched 'Shame' (2011) By Steve Mc Queen. There is a scene in this film where a character takes the famous song 'New york'  By Frank Sinatra and slows pace of the lyrics right down and is crying whilst singing. This gives us a whole new meaning. This sparked my idea to possibly try something similar in my end of year film.

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