Wednesday 19 March 2014

Exploring the Expression of visual language in my story.

Below I have shown a breakdown of certain visuals in my story and how I will replicate them visually on screen for my end of year film. I have mentioned previous symbols I intend to use but in this post I will go into the exploration of my visuals in more depth. I am aware that this will help me as a film-maker to plan an array of visuals as pre- production before I begin making a shot list and so on.

The first thing I will be expressing visually is the location. The main location I have chosen for my film is Coney Island Beach County Down. I am aware that the visuals for this will depend heavily on the weather on the week I begin shooting. I am also wary of filming at night in darkness although I am certain I want to include the coastal lighthouse in some on my visuals.

I like the visual idea of a lighthouse as they symbolize  beckoning people back home. Lighthouses were meant to guide sailors back into the harbor, back home. So the lighthouse, in a way, represents the return of optimism and of life back on shore, back home. This relates to my story as my character is dislocated from a normal life of life. She is trapped in a Psychological state and in need of help. The light on the shore symbolizes the danger and the possible end to the dislocation she is facing.

The sea is another visual I want to explore. The sea can be a symbol of  the process of therapy; its calm presence and sense of space, a place to reflect on the past, and to dream and hope about the future. A place to look ahead and 
imagine what could be waiting on the horizon, actually or metaphorically. The sea can mirror a persons mood, for example full of rage beating off the shore. The sea can also be a symbol of life and death and danger.

I intend to visually express my main characters thought and memories with the use of flash backs of her and her son on the beach. I intend to film these hand held and almost in a dream like sequence with pull focus.

Another visual I want to express is the dislocated and trapped state of the protagonists mind. I think I can do this by using an isolated forest where the protagonist looks lost.

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