Wednesday 12 February 2014

Wild at Heart - (1990) By David Lynch

Wild at Heart is a Surrealist almost nightmarish film about two lovers, Sailor and Lula who are on the run from Lula's over controlling and possessive mother. The film has elements of crime and violence especially when Lula's mother calls in private assassins to go and find her daughter and kill sailor. The first time I watched this film I could not take my eyes of the screen nor could I get the story and characters out of my mind for days, It influenced me very well and it is one of the reasons I have chosen to study film and hopefully get a chance to work in the industry in the near future. The film has elements of surrealism and symbolism throughout which are done brilliantly, For example Lula's mother is portrayed as the devil/ wicked witch of the story. The film is almost like a dream, with references to The Wizard of Oz.

Lula's mother is upset that she didn’t lead a better life, having been raped by her Uncle Pooch at the age of 13. Lula is a very excentric character who is very sure of herself. Although it could come across that she and indeed her boyfriend Sailor are dislocated from society due to Sailor not having much parental guidance and being in prison and Lula trying to live with her over-bearing mother. The film is  Bizarre and fantastic, although very unusual and intriguing, Sailor and Lula come across a woman who has been victim to a car accident and is in shock, this scene has stuck in my mind since the moment I watched and I think it is very Psychologically distressing, the scene mixed with the orchestral music makes it one of the most memorable film scenes I have watched. For my own film I could only dream of coming up with something as remarkable as this film. 

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