Sunday 2 February 2014

Introduction - 'Dislocation'

This week we were given the theme for our end of year pieces. The theme we were given to work with is 'Dislocation.' The first thoughts that came to mind were quite vague as I wasn't entirely sure of the word's definition. After searching the definition -'disturbance from a proper, original, or usual place or state.' I began thinking of concepts and vague ideas and possibilities and ways I could explore this word visually. As 'dislocation' is such a broad theme that covers many possibilities I am excited to have a lot of creative freedom.

Although there are various routes I could take with this theme be it a physical dislocation or being dislocated from your routes, hometown, geographical aspects of the word dislocation. From the outset I really wanted to begin exploring a Psychological Dislocation as its something I am interested in. I feel this is also a very intriguing choice because the Psychological side, what is going on in our brain's cant necessarily be seen by the naked eye so I think it will be a lot of fun trying to portray it and give it an identity with the use of surreal film effects.

I also think that the Psychological side of the theme is also very broad and will give me a lot to think about. However, I am still very open minded and I will be doing a bit more research before I make any final decisions.

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