Wednesday 12 February 2014

Basic Proposal. . .

The purpose of making this piece is to complete my Higher National Diploma in Media Production in order to progress into further study. However although this is a must do for my course it will also reflect myself and my works for show-reel's and so on. I want to engage and audience to make them feel a particular emotion, I want to produce a beautifully shot piece that possibly educates people about the un-seen Psychological dislocations that a lot of people suffer from.

I want to produce this for the widest audience possible, considering it will be shown at the Odeon Cinema I want it to appeal to a range of audiences, including young people, adults, lectures and so on. Although the certificate in the Brief is '15' so I will have to research this and be careful when thinking about how to show specific aspects of Psychological dislocation. The film will be shown on You-tube also.

I want to show a persons thoughts and feelings through the use of surreal dream sequences of delusional effects. I want to experiment with the use of photography and sounds and also editing to come up with a sequence that explores a specific psychological state. I am unsure at this moment as to what I will show but I am enjoying exploring the surreal side to the film industry.

I want to show my piece in a way which uses little dialogue and focuses heavily on the visuals, although I am also thinking of using a voice over to enhance the mood I am going to portray.

I plan to stick to the style of an Art-house type film that does not necessarily portray a story but makes the audience feel a particular way about the theme dislocation, I am very excited to explore this style of film- making because I have not yet worked on it. Although I have a great passion for documentaries and realism I feel that choosing to do something more surreal and arty will both enhance my technical skills and qualities and my film making abilities as a whole.

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