Friday 21 February 2014

Maya Deren Meshes of the Afternoon (1943)

Maya Deren was an experimental film maker in the 1940's and 50's. Maya produced surreal short films which created an experience she combined her passions; voodoo, dance, subjective psychology in a range of surreal black and white films with unusual camera angles, slow motion, jump- cutting and circular narratives. I have been watching a lot of Maya's work particularly due to the fact I want to make something similar. 
When I watched Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) I felt almost as if i was being hypnotized and could not take my eyes of the screen, I loved the use of psychologically symbolic images; The rose, the grim reaper type character with a mirror for a face, a door unlocked, a knife in a loaf of bread and a phone off the hook. I love that the symbols give a meaning which isn't obvious.

The film is so creative and shot in a way which reflects that. The use of shadows and the circular narrative of a woman walking down a road repeats a number of times. The short is making connections between places and emotions but in a way which is unique to any other form. The film was actually quite terrifying, moreso than any of the modern horror films made today. I think it is exploring the unknown and portraying it in a fantastic way.I am really influenced by this style of film making and I am sure that this is the style I will be creating when making my own film.

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