Wednesday 14 May 2014

Shoot update

I began shooting on the 19th and 20th April for my end of year film. I had a clear idea of what I wanted to shoot and how I wanted to do it. I had a shot list, script and a list of objects and symbols that I wanted to film even as an experiment to use in my edit. I made sure I was very well prepared as I am working as an individual and do not have any class friends to help me out if I were to get stuck with something. This added a lot of pressure onto the shoot but I was prepared and stayed positive.

On the first day of my shoot, I arrived at the location, late as there was a problem with the bus schedules due to the Easter Holiday period. I first of all got experimenting with the settings on the camera for the light of the first scenes of the extreme close ups of the woman's face as she is in a state of grief on the beach. I wanted to get these shots just as the sun was setting in the sky so I white balanced it for the correct amount of light. I took a lot of takes on these shots as I wanted to try my best to capture this emotion. This was the only thing I shot on the first night as it was not the ideal light I wanted for the rest of the footage. The first couple of shots I captured on day 1 were very striking and I was very happy with them. I was then really eager to get shooting on the second day.

Screen shots taken from my film.

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