Wednesday 14 May 2014

Naming the film

After the successful Filming on Day two it suddenly dawned on me that I had yet to give my end of year film a title. I didn't want to name my film 'Dislocation' as this was the brief I was working on. I wanted a name that correlated well with the art-house, expressionistic poetic cinema that I was taking inspiration from. I began thinking about the title. One of the symbols I incorporated into my film was the 'Egg' symbol, as this is a symbol of fertility, rebirth and the symbol of life (I was also shooting on Easter Sunday!) and of course the religious element is suggested also. To add to the symbol I added in a scene in which the young son is painting  the Eggs on Easter Sunday to keep hinting at the connotations of the symbol. In the black and white scenes where the mother is tormented by grief she is sitting next to the broken egg shells this is again hinting at loss, the once colourful symbols of fertility and life are now broken which symbolises loss and death. Due to this exploration with expressionism and Eggs I decided to name my film 'Egg', I made this decision as this is a short and quite enigmatic title that in itself expresses something to the audience.

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